Siege of Jerusalem: Herod The Great

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In 40 B.C., the Roman Senate assigned Herod to be the ruler of Judea. Herod, or Herod the Great, ruled over Judea for the next 36 years. During his reign, he began various building projects including a temple in Jerusalem that would be used to worship God. The building took decades to complete, and required an enormous amount of money as well as labor. Once completed, the temple was a marvelous structure of astounding proportions. However, while Jesus was roaming the Earth, many of the Jews began to worship the Temple complex rather than worship God, and Jesus was not pleased. “Jesus left the temple and was going away, when his disciples came to point out to him the buildings of the temple. But he answered them, ‘You see all these, do you not? Truly, I say to you, there will not be left here one stone upon another that will not be thrown down’” (Matthew 24:1-2). Is it possible that Jesus predicted the destruction of Herod’s Temple? The Siege of Jerusalem led to the defeat of the Jews and destruction of Jerusalem, and was prophesized about in the Bible before it occurred.
The Zealots had been rebelling against the Roman Empire the Great Jewish Revolt. However, they lacked proper leadership, and therefore had poor training and discipline, as well as little preparation for battle. Titus, a Roman military commander, was instructed to put this Jewish rebellion to an end. So he surrounded the city of Jerusalem with the Legions, Macedonia, Apollinaris and Fulminata, and had Fretensis occupy the Mount of Olives, which was a mountain ridge adjacent to Jerusalem. This strategy aligned with what was written in Luke 21:20, “But when you see Jerusalem surrounded by armies, then know that its desolation has come near.” This unfortunately was a...

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