Health Care Reform And Equity : Promise, Pitfalls, And Prescriptions

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Article Four Review The purpose of this paper is to serve as an overview and summary of the major points found in “Health Care Reform and Equity: Promise, Pitfalls, and Prescriptions” (Fiscella, 2011) This article outlines both good, potentially bad of health care reform and possible solutions to improve on the program. Key Points There are six major take away points from this article. The first key point discussed is “improving health care system access” (Fiscella, 2011). The poor under privileged are typically the people who have the least amount of access to effective health care. Once ACA provisions reach its projected coverage it will “still leave 23 million persons, including undocumented immigrants, without any coverage” (Fiscella, 2011). The second key point focuses on primary care. To be able to have health care that is functional and effective it starts with primary care. “A robust primary care system is the cornerstone for a more equitable health care system” (Fiscella, 2011). Restructuring of this program in certain areas is important “payment reform, enhancing the training pipeline, transforming practice, and buttressing the primary care safety net” (Fiscella, 2011). The third key is health information technology. In order to really change primary care hinges on this technology. To be able to access patient’s health records will ensure better care is given and equality of care is paramount. The fourth key point is payment models. In order to make sure quality health care is given across the board you have to follow the money. In this section it talks about an idea of restructuring the payment scheme. Using bundled payments “offer the potential for promoting equity by redirecting resources to health care values... ... middle of paper ... ...etter alignment between patient needs and resources” (Fiscella, 2011). "But the needy will not always be forgotten, nor the hope of the afflicted ever perish." (Psalm 9:18) MONITORING HEALTH CARE DISPARITIES Once health care is put into place that is really effective you need to sit back and monitor it. By closing the feedback loop between quality and equity reporting and corrective federal, state, and local policies will be critical given the enormous complexity of reforms” (Fiscella, 2011). “Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation. The old has passed away; behold, the new has come” (2 Corinthians 5: 17). CHALLENGES First fundamental challenge is “aligning health care resources with patient’s needs” (Fiscella, 2011). The second challenge “relates to revitalization of primary care, particularly for underserved patients” (Fiscella, 2011). Words 877

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