Hispanic Cultures, Culture, And Diversity In The United States

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The term Hispanic is used to describe Spanish speaking natives. Spanish is one of the fastest expanding languages in the world and accounts for 21 different countries as their official language. About half of Hispanics originate in Mexico, and there is a lot diversity within the 21 Hispanics countries, therefore even their own traditions and heritages will be specific to them. It is also important to remember that most Hispanics do not like to be referred to as Hispanic but instead from where they reside; for example, Mexican American and Puerto Rican. Hispanics are very family oriented and they consider the oldest male to be the figure of authority, although when it comes to important decisions, the whole family contributes. Other important This in turn means that 17 percent of the total United States population are Hispanics. They are a diverse ethnic group and as the years go on the population of Hispanics keeps growing; they are the fastest growing and by 2050 Hispanics will make up 30 percent of the United States’ population. They’re the highest number of uninsured among the racial/ethnic groups. Statistics show that one out of three Hispanics lack medical insurance coverage. There are more Hispanic children than there are Hispanic adults over the age of 65 and one in four of the total amount of Hispanics are non-citizens. They all continue to face troubles in health coverage and care. Hispanics are more likely to work in low-income positions as well as being more likely to work in agriculture and construction jobs. Most of these jobs do not offer health care coverage, and when they do, Hispanics cannot accept it due to their already low incomes. When it comes to Medicaid, they cover over half of Hispanic children and since more than half of all Hispanics are already said to be in low-income families, this means that they will be able to receive Medicaid just like their children are. The fathers and husbands of Hispanic families are more likely to stop their children from going to the doctor until the very last minute and are more likely themselves to not do anything until they get so sick they must go to the M., Feinglass, J., & Simon, M. A. (2013). Pregnancy Intention and Use of Contraception Among Hispanic Women in the United States: Data from the National Survey of Family Growth, 2006-2010. Journal Of Women 's Health (15409996), 22(10), 862-870 Mann, J. R., Mannan, J., Quiñones, L. A., Palmer, A. A., & Torres, M. (2010). Religion, Spirituality, Social Support, and Perceived Stress in Pregnant and Postpartum Hispanic Women Mann, J. R., Mannan J., Quiñones, L. A., Palmer, A. A., and Torres, M. Religion, Spirituality, Social Support, and Perceived Stress in.. JOGNN: Journal Of Obstetric, Gynecologic & Neonatal Nursing, 39(6), 645-657. Schoulte, J. C. (2011). Bereavement Among African Americans and Latino/a Americans. Journal Of Mental Health Counseling, 33(1), 11-20. Retrieved November 22, 2015, from http://kff.org/disparities-policy/report/health-coverage-for-the-hispanic-population-today-and-under-the-affordable-care-act/)Fennell, M., Feng, Z., Clark, M., & Mor, V. (n.d.). Elderly Hispanics More Likely To Reside In Poor-Quality Nursing Homes. November 22, 2015, from http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3825737/Hispanic Culture. (2010, March 11). November 22, 2015, from

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