Post No Smoking Signs Research Paper

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Post ‘No Smoking Signs’ to Prohibit Smoking on Your Property

Today, many communities are regulated where people may and may not smoke. As a result, owners of public properties and buildings are posting signs to notate where smokers cannot smoke. Tobacco and smoking has been a major part of American history for many years. At one point, medical professionals even prescribed smoking as a remedy. Now, though, we understand that smoking tobacco products can cause health issues such as cancer. Restrictions on where people can smoke are popping up all over as the population becomes aware of the health risks connected with smoking. Property owners post No Smoking signs to ensure that people adhere to the restrictions in public places. This ‘smoke free signage’ limits smoke exposure for those who do not partake in the habit.

The Demand Is High for No Smoking Signage

Medical professionals all agree that smoking inside buildings, even in specific areas, may be a health risk for others in the structures. In fact, studies show that separating smokers from the rest of the people in the building does not completely remove the hazards of secondhand smoke. For this reason, many buildings post various types smoke free signs indoors to keep …show more content…

States, cities and municipalities also post this type of signs outside their government buildings to keep people from smoking too close to the entryways. As of yet, there is not any official federal regulations about restricting smoking, so it is up to each city, municipality or state. In spite of this fact, most of the no smoking signage contains a lit cigarette with a circle around along with a slash diagonally across both to show it is a non-smoking area. Some have text while others just have the above

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