Haul Romer Offshore Diver

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Our career exploration class had a guest speaker yesterday. His name was Haul Romer. Mr. Romer was an offshore diver. He had no idea what he wanted to be when he graduated, so he joined the Coast Guard. Mr. Romer’s first job in the Coast Guard was a patrol board in Alaska stationed on an icebreaker. While in Alaska he discovered Alaska had opposite seasons than us and it was always daylight during Winter. While in the Coast Guard, a job came up for a diving job and he tried out, He was later accepted and attended a diving school in Hawaii. Mr. Haul came back to the Coast Guard as a part of the diving crew. He stayed at the Coast Guard for about four to four and a half years longer. After the Coast Guard, he decided he still wanted to dive and he attended a commercial diving school in Los Angeles, California. He came to the Gulf of Mexico and has been in the gulf since 1982. Mr. Haul Romer informed the class of all the extremely …show more content…

Romer no longer is a offshore diver. He is a offshore manager of a 300 foot construction boat. He can no longer dive because he has neck problems because of the face mask and equipment. Also he can’t dive anymore because he spent so much time on the shore telling other divers’ how to work and complete task safely that he got out of shape and couldn’t dive anymore unless he got back in shape. In his offshore diving career he went to about 360 feet below sea level and he always strived to go deeper. The worst part about being an offshore diver was being away from home and family for so long. Mr. Haul Romer told us he was so glad with the decisions he made out of highschool even though he had no idea what he wanted to be. Mr. Romer loved his job as an offshore diver and wouldn’t change a thing about it other than the time away from home. Although, he loved his job as an offshore diver Mr.Haul Romer loves his job now and is happy with the experiences he experienced as a diver. Haul was an amazing and very interesting guest

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