Harry Potter Research Paper

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When J. K. Rowling first published Harry Potter on June 26, 1997, the public was not sure what to think. Who would have thought that seven books and eight movies later that this would become a world phenomenon? No one could foresee the popularity that the Harry Potter books and movies would spawn. In the beginning, the books were an excellent springboard to get children to dive into stories and therefore fueling their love of reading. When the movies began to pick up speed by cause of the sheer popularity of the books then even people who did not like reading or did not read the books fell in love with Harry Potter. Hence a franchise was born. It makes sense that Universal Studios would cash in on such a brilliant opportunity continuing to fuel the flame of Harry Potter. Harry Potter is a considered high fantasy fiction simply because of most if not all the plot takes place in the secondary world. The secondary world being the magical realm, in this case, the wizarding world of Harry Potter. The primary or real world is considered the muggle realm. Muggles are non-magic folk like the Dursleys. Many muggles are unaware of the …show more content…

Young and old alike travel an immense distance to visit Universal Studios in Orlando, Florida. People fly in from all over the world to experience the Wizarding World of Harry Potter. They come for the sake of their shared love and wonder of Harry Potter. Buying wands, house robes, and the mythical Butter Beer is truly a dream come true for Harry Potter fans. Butter Beer is the unbelievable drink that we see most often in Harry Potter. There are three kinds of Butter Beer. The cold one which tastes like melted toffee and caramel with sugar added in. Frozen is the cold one but less intense. Hot is a tummy tingling mouthwatering concoction. Be forewarned, Butter Beer is definitely an acquired

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