Hammersmith and Fulham's Contribution to the War Effort

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Hammersmith and Fulham's Contribution to the War Effort

During the Second World War, the area of Hammersmith and Fulham

contributed in many different ways to the war effort.

Source A, which is a newspaper article, tells us about one particular

way in which Hammersmith helped towards the war effort. In the article

it states that in Hammersmith there was a large collection of a range

of different paper including cardboard, books and pawn tickets. The

council asked the public to collect paper to recycle and use for

munitions. However, there was no need for all that great amount

of paper, the Government wanted to keep people’s morale high and

wanted to make the public feel that they were getting involved in

helping the country. The paper which was not used for ammunitions

would probably have been used to re-stock libraries or to give to the

soldiers. But not only did Hammersmith collect and recycle paper, the

Women’s Voluntary Service (WVS) looked after mobile canteens which

would help the people on the streets who had lost their homes probably

because of the bombings.

Source B is a notice in The West London Observer made by the Town

Clerk, Hugh Royle. This noticed informed the public of a black-out

practise and exactly what they had to do. This shows that council was

contributing to the war efforts because they were concerned with the

safety of the public and they were practising to make people aware of

what to do in case of a real attack. The public were also contributing

because by participating in this practice it showed they were worried

about each others safety.

In conclusion, Hammersmith and Fulham did a great deal...

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...t this event took place. Finally, Source L, which is from

the book Don’t You Know There’s A War On states that many men and

women continued to turn up for work even though there was widespread

fear during the Blitz. This suggests that people were willing to do

what it was necessary to help they’re country, even if it meant facing

danger. However this source is not very reliable as we do not know who

collected this information and for what reason they did this.

From looking at Sources F, M and E and my own knowledge I can clearly

say that there were some people who were extremely helpful during the

war and did a great deal for their country. However we can not ignore

the fact that there were some who took advantage of the war and others

who were very pessimistic about the war and did not do a great deal to


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