Gun Control Argumentative Essay

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The 2nd Amendment states that, “A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.” This amendment gives people the right to bear arms and not be penalized for it. People tend to choose to own guns because they want a weapon that makes them feel safer. However, the second amendment applies to militias not civilians, so there’s no reason to let people have the right to bear arms. It tends to put people at ease yet, with all of the recent school shootings people are rethinking the second amendment. Many people are starting to believe that if the government gets rid of the right to bear arms then everyone would be better off and there would be many less school shootings. The gun violence in 2018 has killed many people. The increasing amounts of school …show more content…

People start to opposing to the thought of individuals owning guns. It would be very different if guns were banned. Many would feel much safer, and it would reduce the rates of gun violence in the United States drastically. It would still be there but it would be much less likely. Gun laws should be much more restricted to have other individuals feel safer in their community. For example, there have been 21 weeks into 2018, and there have already been 23 school shootings. That averages out to more than 1 shooting a week. This huge number is one of the reasons that some individuals would not feel safe with the second amendment. Some would choose to also believe that having the second amendment is irrelevant. There is no point in having the amendment because there is no point in having a gun in your home. Having guns just give kids more access to it which can cause events like school shootings. Also it's easy for anyone to get access to guns whether its from home or someone they bought it from. Kids who aren't in the right mindset use these guns which aren’t securely locked in their homes to

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