Guilty In The Crucible

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Many people were judged and falsely accused. Many had done nothing wrong while the guilty ones got away. The question that will be asked is whether or not these accused people were guilty or just assumed guilty. Guilty or not, the innocent were put to death at the expense of other’s peace-at-mind. Believing in such an act will bring the death of many innocent people. Being put to death was almost a tradition to the citizens living in the 20th century. To propose, many lives were sacrificed in order to comfort the minds of others. According to the text, “Abigail. Uncle, we did dancer; let you tell them I confessed in-and I’ll be whipped if I must be. But they’re speakin’ of witchcraft. Betty’s not witched” (Miller 10). This quote illustrates that a little girl was in the forest dancing and was being accused of being a witch. Parris turns his back and demands information from Abigail on her doings in the forest. He doesn’t think twice. Parris states that his “enemies will not blink an eye” (Miller 11). Meaning that if Abigail did not tell Parris what she did in the forest, then …show more content…

During this time, many people judged others by the way they looked or the actions they took part in. The Golden Rule takes part as a major role in life, and these citizens completely disregards this rule. These people treat others

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