The Crucible John Proctor Guilty Analysis

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Imagine a teacher giving a zero to a student on a test for cheating, but had no proof the student was guilty? This is exactly how John Proctor felt when Mary Warren accused him of witchcraft, with no proof. Even under these circumstances, he keeps his composure for the most part, and accepts his fate. Many of Mr. Proctor´s personality traits can be associated with my own in that he and I, sometimes stretch the truth, is not easily fooled, and fight for what we believe in. John Proctor, along with most people, myself included, stretch the truth from time to time for an array of various reasons. One reason too tell a white lie is too protect someone you care about. For example, in act one, John tells Elizabeth that when he conversed with Abigail many …show more content…

In fact, not only was John not convinced, he even attempted to bring rational back to Salem and the rest of the community that witchcraft is all false pretense. For example, John and Giles Corey both had their wives be accused of bewitching the girls. Like any good husband, John and Giles fought the court with petitions, evidence of foul play, and even confession against witchcraft. Even though they fail to convince the court of their belief, they still tried their best, as do I. Currently in the United States, we are heading in the very wrong direction and I am trying to do everything in my power to influence people to make the right decision when electing our new president. Keeping signs up in my yard, wearing candidate themed apparel and talking about it as much as I can to my peers, I fight the biased beliefs of most and display my own. Every person that is voting is responsible for the future and my and my own children's future is at serious risk, as are theirs. I can´t imagine how people could vote against my candidate but even though they are, I will continue to try to show them the truth before it is too

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