Redemption In The Crucible

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“John Proctor you must confess your sins”, Hathorne demands. “Blasphemy! There is no such thing as witchcraft. You have gone mad believing in Abigail’s tales”, John screeches back. Hathorne and John stand facing each other, neither willing to back down. Danforth holding out the feather pen to John. John’s heated glare is switching between Hathorne and Danforth. Reverend Hale standing off to the side, with worry etched into his facial features. His eyes are pleading with John to just back down and sign the paper, but he says nothing out of his mouth, but his lips are constantly trembling. Eventually Hale controls his trembling lips enough to beg Elizabeth, “Elizabeth, do something. Make him sign it”. The look in his eyes switches from worry to desperation, as he looks about to drop to his knees and beg someone to do something to save John’s life. Elizabeth tears her eyes from John and looks Hale straight on, “He …show more content…

John believed that signing the confession was preposterous, he would rather die than lose his good name. In the end, he was convinced that maybe signing the confession wasn’t that bad, yes. He would lose his good name, but he would live and the witchcraft nonsense would be over. However, after signing he realized he had not only tainted his name but his boys’ names. John never wanted his boys to deal with the hatred that would come, he intended to stand beside them and take each blow with them. But when time came to take the hate John couldn’t do it, which ultimately led to the death of his youngest son. In this ending his second chance decision only makes things worse. Even though it was because of the others that he signed the confession, his son’s death still falls on his hands. He is left with a feeling of blood, that isn’t his, left on his hands, and no matter how hard he tries he can’t clean it off. His second chance is wasted and his good name

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