Graduation Speech : College Is The Time Of Excitement, Fear, Anticipation, And Nervousness

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Senior year, what can be said about it that hasn 't already been said. It is the time of excitement, fear, anticipation, and nervousness. It 's kind of a strange time, you are coming to the realization that your childhood is over and your adult life is about to begin. We begin to make plans, for most of us it 's the college route, because that 's all we know what to think and do. These days there 's a big push for everyone to go to college, no matter what, it 's the future. Bobby Scott says it best when he informs us “It is virtually impossible to compete in today 's global economy without a college degree.” I agree with this statement one hundred percent. I 've seen and heard about, college kids are picked over kids without a college for any kind of job. Even at McDonalds, which is crazy I didn 't know you needed a college education to flip patties. With that being said I do plan on going college, but not without some preparation. You see I grew know that money didn 't grow on trees, and if you wanted something you would have bust tail and get yourself. A lot of money is being thrown around when you start talking about college, and there are some expenses in college that I 'm kind of hesitant about throw myself at. Just because that has become the normal. My first worry right away is going to be the tuition, I know that instate tuition is cheaper then out of state. And that 's probably what I’m going to do, is just go to a local college. I know there are scholarships to hand out, and there 's a lot to say the least, but I also know there’s some qualifications to get these scholarships. Unfortunately for me I wasn’t to focused on my scholastic career my freshman and sophomore year. I mean I didn’t fail any classes, but my GPA was... ... middle of paper ... ...oal in life is to be comfortable financially wise, I’ve seen a lot of my family members go through hard times with money, I don’t want that for my life. I figure life is hard as it is why add financial stress to the mix, and if realize that college is going to hurt me more than it would help me, well then I won’t go. I believe that you don’t necessarily need a college education to be great in life and achieve things. My whole life I watched my dad raise six children comfortably without a college education, he just worked hard and did the right thing. Same with my uncle who passed away a couple years ago, he did so well, that even though he’s gone his family is sitting great financially wise. I think Michael Dell puts it best when he says “You don 't have to be a genius or a visionary or even a college graduate to be successful. You just need a framework and a dream.”

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