George's Farewell Speech

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Good Morning. Several years ago I was hurt by a fellow believer and friend. For this story we’ll call him George. After being slandered, lied to and demoted at work, I eventually ended up losing my job largely due to the actions of George, while he landed in prison. For a few years after everything happened I would wake up at night and think about the whole thing and would replay conversations that we had. I’d ask myself if I could or should have said anything different. Every time George’s name was mentioned or I saw a picture of him, my stomach would churn. Have you ever felt that way? One day I was having dinner with one of my closest friends Terry, and out of the blue he asked me if I had ever forgave George? Now because George …show more content…

I asked myself – “Am I ready to forgive?” I didn’t answer Terry that night but eventually I started saying I think so but then I guess we’ll never know unless I see him again. George was serving 20 years in prison so I figured that the odds of seeing him again were a million to one. Over the summer he was released on parole and while I was at the mall I happened to look into a small shop and standing behind the counter working was George. George didn’t see me but I continued past the store and then stopped just outside of view. I could have done nothing and kept walking but something compelled me to go into the store and talk to him. I went to the counter and said George it’s great to see you and gave him a handshake. That something that compelled me was the grace of God. He told me that he was done with work in a few hours and if I wasn’t busy, that we should go to dinner. We spoke for a few hours and everything I said, I was sincere about. I wished him well and we parted ways. He never asked for my forgiveness that day, he was just a recipient. Through that experience God taught me about the power of forgiveness and that a forgiving heart can heal faster than a heart that takes into account wrong …show more content…

The letter is actually quite small but that doesn’t mean that it’s not packed with information. Paul teaches us a few things in this passage, first, Paul teaches a lesson on forgiveness. He tells us that forgiveness does not excuse the sin but rather takes us to a level of understanding with them. The second thing that Paul tells us is, when in leadership we need to remember that people are looking to us. Paul tries to convey that as leaders we have a moral obligation to set the example for our followers or workers. The third thing that Paul conveys to us is that the grace that God has for us, is a miracle that Philemon should show to Onesimus. Paul Shows that even in the darkest times grace can be given. Here’s a little back story on the book of Philemon. It’s estimated that Paul wrote this letter around 59 or 60 A.D. but perhaps as late as 62 A.D. Paul was at the time a prisoner in Rome awaiting trial. While in prison Paul had been mentoring a man named Onesimus, who was a slave that fled and was led to Jesus Christ though Paul’s ministry. Paul first throughout the book teaches us a lesson on forgiveness. In verse 8 – 10 it

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