General Halstead Summary

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Principle 3: In this section General Halstead teaches first of the principle of the 360 degrees of trust (Halstead 32). Halstead taught me how a leader needs to have a strong degree of trust in every aspect of their lives. a leader needs to have trust in his or her leaders, followers, and themselves (Halstead 32). This concept, I feel, is one that every leader needs to learn before they can lead efficiently. Leaders need to be able to trust the people under them to do what they are told to do to benefit the team. At the same time, followers need to be able to trust their leaders to do the same for them. Halstead goes on to talk about the fine line between being confident and cocky (Halstead 37). This was a lesson that really spoke to me, because I sometimes struggle with being a little too confident. Halstead explains this as having confidence and being comfortable in your skin, while still being humble enough to follow and do your job without letting success go to your …show more content…

On pages 46 and 47 General Halstead’s lesson about holding her tongue is one that really hit deep with me. I find myself letting my tongue rule over my brain from time to time. This gets me in trouble more times than not. If I want to become an effective leader and follower, I need to be able to reserve myself when it comes to saying what’s on my mind. The second lesson of Halstead’s that I found to really speak to me was on pages 49-50 where she talked about having a can do attitude. Halstead’s view on the “can’t” attitude really needs to become a part in my life, because I often find myself not pushing forward and saying, “I can’t”. I also really like how Halstead talks about looking at your job seriously and yourself humorously(p. 50). This showed me that I can take my work seriously, while still being able to be not so hard on

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