Gender Inequality In America

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Edward Penn Professor Petitfrere English 101 December 8, 2016 America’s Dream America is the place of dreams, unity, and equality for all. That sounds good on paper, but if this question was asked publicly you would hear extremely diverse statements about how there are major aspects which are at fault for America's downfall. Some, but not all would be gender, race, and immigration. Each of these play an important factor not for what they are but how they are defined and taught. Gender is taught in two very strict formats for the general population. A boy turns into a man and must not only carry himself as valiant, bold, and courageous, but he must find a career that’s masculine and express masculinity through clothes, speech patterns, and aesthetics. …show more content…

She’s not meant to be fearless or triumph through difficult times. She is instead supposed to be dainty, elegant, flimsy, and a helpless maiden in need of saving. So,” her career choice must match that, which takes the form of either a caretaker, nurse, or motherly role.” With race, you can either believe in its existence or be blind to it, because of schools that are no longer segregated or because of a black president, but we are still separated. Ethnic groups, and foreigners, whether American citizens or not are still looked down upon. When you look at the history of when the 13th Amendment was established it was meant to abolish slavery, but it was just changing the title. Instead of slaves, they are called prisoners. When the amendment was made, it did as it said with a loophole. Crime would not be tolerated, and the prisoners would work. It was over any little of crime that a person of color would be arrested, and put to work, and why would they not? The Amendment changed what the title was, but not their master status. How racist, and ignorant minds viewed people of color. As lower and inferior animals. That still does not deserve basic rights. Now immigration is another racial

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