Functionalism And Gun Control Essay

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When looking at gun control laws through a functionalist paradigm we have to look at how having more gun control laws and not having gun control laws will effect the people that use them. Functionalist theory “interprets each part of society in terms of how it contributes to the stability of the whole society” (Crossman). This means that when looking at something though this perspective you have to also look at all of the different possibilities that could result from a certain change. There are multiple ways you can look at gun control though a functionalist perspective. One way would be to look at how this could effect people is by looking at how having stricter gun laws will effect people, as compared to not having has strict gun laws. By not having stricter gun laws people will be able to assert their amendment right to buy a gun, but this can lead to more people being able to get guns that should not haven them. …show more content…

By looking at gun control through the functionalist perspective we are able to get a better understanding of how having stricter gun control can effect everyone. When looking at it from one point a view we can see that some people see having stricter gun laws is effecting their right to be able to own a gun, while others see it as a way to trying to make sure that the wrong people don’t get their hands on guns. While it makes since that people are going to be upset about having laws that prevent them from asserting their amendment right, it doesn’t make since for there to not be stricter gun laws. Just from looking at all of the recent shootings in the past few years, people should be able to tell that it is way to easy for people to get their hands on guns and these shootings are going to continue to happen as long as we don’t reassess our current gun

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