Freshman Year Research Paper

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Everyone goes to highschool so everyone gets to experience what it feels like to be both a freshman and a senior. Typically, most people enjoy their senior year more than they do their freshman year, however there are positives and negatives for both. Freshman year is an introduction to change in most people's lives. Most people become more mature than they were in Junior High and try new things. Then there's senior year which is also an introduction to change in a lot of people's lives. Individuals prepare themselves for college or their career in which they plan on pursuing. Freshman year is a year that a lot of people see change in their lives, whether it be small or large. Most people are exposed to new things that they have never seen, tried, or even heard of. It is a year where you meet new people and seek new opportunities. Being a freshman is a tough because it's the first year your grades will affect your future. You have to focus a lot more on academics then you did in Junior High and that is sometimes hard for people. Also during freshman year you're not old enough to drive or have your license yet, which restricts most people from doing a lot of …show more content…

You're given so much more freedom then you are your freshman year. For example during your senior year, you're allowed to choose the majority of the classes you take. You're also allowed to have study hall release, meaning you may be given the opportunity to sleep in during the morning or to leave the school early. On top of all this you have your license which makes a big deal. You are able to transport yourself to school and then from school directly to wherever it is that you want to go. There's also this word, “senioritis”, which is basically an excuse for all seniors to be lazy as hell because they're almost done with their four year high school journey. Senior year is also a great year because you get to participate and create senior pranks which is always

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