Foxconn Suicide Case Study

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Foxconn Technology Group is a company in China that makes products for many of our leading companies here in the United States, such as, Apple, Dell, Hewlett-Packard and Microsoft. In 2010, 12 employees of Foxconn committed suicide and numerous failed suicide attempts due to oppressive conditions of the company. Workers would jump from 15 story building due to the working conditions and hours. The company employed 1 million workers with a turnover rate of 40 percent. Workers only made minimum wage which, in 2010 was around $130 per month. Workers would work on average over 3 times the legal limit of hours for anyone (Bethel University). Apple was under scrutiny the most when the suicides happened due to the Apple being a very popular company. …show more content…

Recently the suicide rate has dropped by half. This decline has been accredited to people moving out of the rural where suicide was done by ingesting pesticides, into the city where suicide by this method is rare. In 1999 the suicide rate was 23 per 100,000 people; however, in 2011, the rated dropped drastically to 9.8 per 100, 000 people. Another alarming suicide rate that was high was among women in China. Women suicide rate is significantly higher than that of Chinese men. The age range of the women was between the ages 15-34. The suicide was said to be attributed to the one child policy or the pressure marry early in China. In many countries women are thought to be lesser than men and very strict rules on how women should live their life and be treated. The women suicide rate in China was 37.8 per 100, 000 in the late 1990’s, dropping to 3 per 100,000 in 2011 …show more content…

In July 2015, Foxconn announced they will be expanding its company into India, building 12 factories and creating jobs for 1 million people. The project is set to be completed by 2020. India was thrilled about the prospect of becoming another manufacturing powerhouse next to China; however, the labor laws in India have restricted the project from moving forward (Crabtree). Chinas wages has increased following the publicity that the company received after the string of suicides in 2010. To combat the bad press, Foxconn doubled wages for employees and sought other avenues to increase worker satisfaction within the

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