Football Strength And Conditioning

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Chapter VII
Strength and Conditioning Speed and strength training is important in developing a successful football program. It is crucial to get the players started when they first enter your program so a routine can be established. The best speed and strength program is one that is developed specifically for the sport the athletes will be playing. Workouts that are designed for basketball players will not help football players play to the best of their abilities. In order to create a proper training program that develops faster and stronger football players, you must first analyze the game of football. There are four areas that need to be analyzed in order to develop a solid training program: analyze the demands of the sport, understand …show more content…

It is integral to the success and health of this program that the athletes do more than just workout. Players must consume the right amount of fluids and nutrients in order to perform at their very best. It is important that you are well hydrated. In order to be properly hydrated, you must consume the proper fluids as well as the proper amount. Caffeine is not a friend of hydration. Every program should have a hydration plan in place for before, during and after practices and games. One of our team rules is that all players must take a drink every time they pass a water fountain during the day. During practice players will be given water breaks every 20 minutes. On game days, there will be 7 water coolers on the sidelines with water bottles and players can have a drink whenever they want one. After practices and games players should re-hydrate their bodies. For every pound you lose it is a good rule to drink at least 1 pint of water.
General Eating Guidelines
It is very important for athletes to eat properly. They must replace the nutrients their bodies have spent training. A proper diet is the only way to make significant gains in muscle and in strength. Athletes need to eat every two and a half to three hours. They also need to eat the right amount of

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