Flood Impacts And The Socio-Economic Impact Of Floods

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Next, we are going to talk about impacts, flood impacts to be precise, that come from monsoon seasonal change in the direction of the prevailing, or strongest winds of a region. Monsoons cause wet and dry seasons throughout much of the tropics. Besides, direction of wind during monsoons blow from cold regions to warm regions due to pressure difference. Flood impacts are divided into two, which are socio-economic impacts and environmental impacts.
Socio-economic Impacts
Floods can give the negative impact to the infrastructure. The damage on the infrastructure can cause the long term impacts such as disruptions of clean waters, transport, communication, electricity supply, education and health care. The loss of livelihoods can decreasing in a purchasing power and loss of land value in the coastal area that can bring to the increasing in the vulnerabilities of communities living in the area. The additional cost for rehabilitation, relocation of people and removal of property from flood-affected areas can divert the capital required for maintaining production. This Impact of floods can be related to the loss of lives and property because it can be include to property damage, loss of human life, non-functioning in infrastructures, destruction of crops, loss of livestock and deterioration of health condition …show more content…

Firstly, to the ecosystem, the degradation of ecosystem service by monsoon activity reinforced by anthropogenic factors. Many people and animals have died in flash floods and many more are injured and others made homeless. Water supply and electricity are disrupted and people struggle and suffer as a result. In addition to this, flooding brings a lot of diseases and infections including military fever, pneumonic plague, dermatopathia and dysentery. Sometimes insects and snakes make their ways to the area and cause a lot of

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