Film Review Of Schindler's List, By Steven Spielberg

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Schindler's List, by Steven Spielberg is an award-winning masterpiece - a movie which portrays the shocking and nightmarish holocaust in a three-hour long epic. The documentary touch re-creates a dark, frightening period during World War II, when Jews in Nazi-occupied Krakow were first deprived off , of their businesses and homes, then placed in ghettos and were then forced to labor for no consideration in camps in Plaszow, and finally they were resettled in concentration camps for execution. The violence and brutality of Nazi’s treatment towards Jews is a series of horrific incidents that are brilliantly showcased.

Star cast:
Liam Neeson
Ralph Fiennes
Ben Kingsley
Emilie Schindler
Caroline Goodall
Poldek Pfefferberg
Branko …show more content…

As it is said that during wars, a third party always benefits; the movie also shows how a Nazi-Czech business man (who is more of an opportunist and war profiteer) Oskar Schindler, uses Jewish laborers to start a factory pre-occupied in Poland. As a member of the Nazi party, Schindler is essentially politically driven and knows how to deal with the bureaucracy and those in power to get what he wants. Over time, he gets deeply affected by the treatment to Jews and begins to take steps to protect around 1500 people who worked for him. He was successful in convincing the authorities to build a new factory where the employees were interned and goes out of his way to hire those who face the rage of the camp commandant, Amon Goeth. When the camp is closed, he somehow manages to transfer "his" Jews to a new factory in Czechoslovakia. During all the hardships and struggle when the train carrying the women is diverted to Auschwitz, Schindler races to free them using a part of his fortune and his power to have them released. By the end of the war, Schindler has lost everything but has managed to save the lives of around 1100 of his employees. As World War II progressed, and the fate of the Jews became more and more clear, Schindler's motivations switched from profit to human sympathy, and Schindlerjuden, (literally translated as Schindler Jews) a new community was formed of around 1100 Jews who were saved from the deadly holocaust by Oskar

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