Lasting Effects of the Holocaust

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The Holocaust not only affected the areas where it took place, it affected the entire world. Even though Jewish people were the main victims in the Holocaust, it also left lasting effects on other groups of people. Both the Nazi and Jewish decedents still feel the aftermath of one of the most horrific counts of genocide that the world has ever encountered. The cries of the victims in concentration camps still ring around the globe today, and they are not easily ignored. Although the Holocaust took place during World War Two, the effects that it had on the world are still prominent today.
The Holocaust was a very impressionable period of time. It not only got media attention during that time, but movies, books, websites, and other forms of media still remember the Holocaust. In Richard Brietman’s article, “Lasting Effects of the Holocaust,” he reviews two books and one movie that were created to reflect the Holocaust (BREITMAN 11). He notes that the two books are very realistic and give historical facts and references to display the evils that were happening in concentration camps during the Holocaust. This shows that the atrocities that were committed during the Holocaust have not been forgotten. Through historical writings and records, the harshness and evil that created the Holocaust will live through centuries, so that it may not be repeated again (BREITMAN 14).
Because the Holocaust has captured so much attention in the media, researchers are interested to get stories about the Holocaust from people who actually lived through it. There aren’t many people that are living today that survived the Holocaust, so there is a website to find children that survived the horrific time period by identifying themselves by finding t...

... middle of paper ... it" (Santayana).

Works Cited

Bubar, Joe, and Bryan Brown. "Children Of The Holocaust." Junior Scholastic 114.15 (2012): 20. History Reference Center. Web. 26 Feb. 2014.
Breitman, Richard. "Lasting Effects Of The Holocaust." History: Reviews Of New Books 38.1 (2010): 11-14. History Reference Center. Web. 26 Feb. 2014.
Gottfried, Ted. "No Jews Allowed." Displaced Persons (2001): 43. Book Collection: Nonfiction. Web. 26 Feb. 2014.
Santayana, G.. N.p.. Web. 27 Mar 2014. .
Seiden, Melvin. "Remembering 1945." Humanist 54.5 (1994): 30. MAS Ultra - School Edition. web. 26 Feb. 2014
Zembrzycki, Stacey, and Steven High. "'When I Was Your Age': Bearing Witness In Holocaust Education In Montreal." Canadian Historical Review 93.3 (2012): 408-435. History Reference Center. Web. 26 Feb. 2014.

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