Fearless Girl Analysis

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‘Fearless Girl’ has quickly become a symbol for women throughout the United States. It has gained such a strong response because of the conversations it is producing. There has never been a time when opening up the conversation on equal rights and wage gaps has been so accepted, and that is why the statue has inspired an entire generation of women to stand up for such an important cause. The new statue that was placed in the heart of the business district of New York City is a great symbol of inspiration for women and children. The business district happens to be run predominantly by men, and the percentage of women working in the business district is shockingly low. It seems, however, many people have just accepted the fact that a part of the world is run solely by men, and have moved on. The statue that was placed in front of the bull is able to show others that it does not have to be this way. Women have the right to work …show more content…

Not long ago, the wage gap or women’s rights were topics rarely discussed. Many thought women have more rights now than ever, so the problem is solved. This belief could not be further from the truth. When the statue was placed in New York City, it reminded many that the fight is not over, in fact, the fight is just beginning. For example, the statue shows that the momentum gained from the Women’s March that took place several months ago should only continue from this point on. The demand for equality should not end just because the march has since passed. The progressive discussions should continue on how the United States can continue to empower and inspire women. The statue reminds many that is okay to discuss the issue that plague today’s society, for if not, the cause will only be forgotten. Talking about ways to solve the important issues the nation faces can only lead to prosperity in the face of

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