Fear Public Speaking

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Do I fear public speaking so much that I might pass out? No, but I do, as many others, feel some anxiety about speaking in front of a listening audience. I supposed, my level of fear when speaking might be in the average. I have noticed in the past, before I get out in front of everyone, I feel this nervousness that I did not before walking out. If I kickoff the presentation without being adequately prepared, I would find it hard to overcome that anxiousness. If I were prepared perfectly for the speech, then that nervousness would quickly shift into excitement. My history of public speaking commenced back when I was younger, while I was living in Ecuador as a missionary. Once there my family and I opened a ministry for child laborers. After I learned Spanish, I started doing presentations for the kids. I would plan a service for the children and then present it in Spanish. I have even translated in front of large groups of kids for the English speakers that would visit and could not speak to them. Once, I was presenting in front of an extensive number of kids, and as soon as I started talking, for some reason got very nervous. I started stuttering and forgetting my Spanish. The kids were just looking at me, waiting for me to get …show more content…

I am currently studying to become an elementary school teacher. I know that this class will benefit me with my career choice. At times, I start to consider about how nervous I might get being in front of the children all day, speaking to them and teaching them. I know that as a teacher, I need to be patient and controlled. I would like to learn to clearly show that in my speaking. An example of someone I aspire to be, is a professor from my old school in Tennessee. He was a very engaging speaker. When in his class, his students found his humor and effectiveness as a teacher very captivating. The professor had an ideal way of being informative without overcomplicating his

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