Fear Of Clowns Research Paper

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Phobias are defined as extreme or irrational fears, often persistent, that compel sufferers to avoid the object or situation to which their fear is connected. A specific phobia relates to a particular stimulus that causes fear, anxiety or avoidance and results in intense distress for the sufferer. A specific fear of clowns has sometimes been discussed in terms of a specific phobia. (Zidbits, 2011)
Although fears of clowns have existed in many countries over history, the term is not listed in the World Health Organization’s ICD-10 nor in the American Psychiatric Association's DSM-5 categorization of disorders. (Prescott, 2016)
How could clowns induce fear in people?
The fear of clowns is known as Coulrophobia and it is being seen in increasing frequency over the last few decades. This is due in large part to the way clowns are being portrayed in mnay forms of literature and media. (Zidbits, 2011)
Most researchers agree that the main reasons for coulrophobia or ‘clownphobia’ is the make-up and exaggerated features of the clown. These large, extremely exaggerated facial features and some body parts, such as hands and …show more content…

Many films that feature antagonists with masks or disfigured faces usually come from the horror genre and are used specifically to invoke fear. (Zidbits, 2011)
There are also numerous criminals/psychopaths who install fear in people from simple aggressive behaviors to violent murders dressed up as clowns. For example, In mid-2016, several cities in the United States began to experience "clown sightings", where menacing-looking clowns would be seen. (Zidbits, 2011)
On August 19 in Greenville, two clowns tried to lure a little boy into the woods. After this, the sightings of clowns spread throughout the country. Furthermore, many other sightings have been pranks to scare passerby’s. (Zidbits,

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