Fast Foods: The History And History Of Fast Food

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History of Fast Food Over time our society has changed from fresh farm produce to artificial chemicals. Back in the day, foods were grown on farms and on gardens in peoples back yards. However, today foods are made in factories produced by machines with harmful chemicals and unknown sources of bacteria. For instance, within the past year Chipotle stores have been closed or restricted because of people getting food poisoning from chemicals that they put into their food. Furthermore, the animals we eat are fed unnatural feed and medication to help better the taste of the meat. As a result, the animals build up a resistance to the drugs which affects how testing is done for human drugs. Meanwhile, animals back in the day were raised in open fields with fresh grass as feed and not injected with chemicals or medication. Also, most families grew their own gardens which was less expensive and allowed for fresh fruits and vegetables readily available to them. Furthermore, meat was not produced in factories, an individual would take their cattle or hogs to the butcher who would cut the meat and packaged it which reduced the spread of bacteria. In addition, food back then was proportioned because of the lack of economy standards and people worked hard so they stayed fit. However, nowadays we received a very large …show more content…

For instance, a cheeseburger from McDonalds cost fifteen cents seventy-five years ago. Today, a cheeseburger cost 3.76. Furthermore, we eat different types of foods such as fast food and fruits and vegetables. In addition, several Americans’ say that it cost more to eat healthy than not. Although, most healthy foods cost more by the time you buy fast food for the family it averages out. Furthermore, some foods are taxed which causes the price of food to increase. On another note, vegetables and fruits are better for us, however, several households cannot afford

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