Describe The Relationship Between Domestication And Domesticated Animals

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Domestication is the process of adapting wild plants and animals for human use. By domesticating animals people no longer had to hunt and going days without seeing any animals to hunt.
By people domesticating animals and plants they could choose how many crops to plant and how many animals to keep, so they could only choose enough to support their family or they could make sure they had a surplus so they were able to sell crops.
Plant domestication; people collected and planted the seeds of wild plants that they had collected and then made sure they had enough sunlight and water so that they could grow and be able to harvest. (National geographic , 2011)
Plants were not only domesticated for food but also for resources, for example, the Cotton …show more content…

Hides are used to make clothing and as storage. People also domesticated animals so that they could use them as protection and transport.
Domestication became huge and that gave way for the creation of tools which made farming easier and that meant people could pant more crops since with the use of tools it didn’t take as long as it would be if they did not have the tools. Ox’s were domesticated so that they could be used to move the heavy tools.
Today domestication provides humans with most of their food, there is too many domesticated animals and overgrazing occurs which means there is not a lot of grazing land available.
Sheep were the first animals domesticated for a food source. Domestication exists so that people always have a source of fresh meat and don’t have to wait a few days till they can find game again. (Diamond, 2002)
Domestication allowed people to start settling instead of being nomadic who were always on the move.
The domestication of animals does relieve some of the pressure that was put on wild animals because that was the only food source available to get meat from
Domestication started 10000 years ago and is a very important part in how we get food

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