Family Diversity

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Every person comes from a unique family despite of race. I come from a low income family and from Mexican parents who lack a complete education. Despite of their educational status, they are still wise and know their morals to guide me in life. My family sets an example for me since they are all supportive and hard workers which encourages me to be the same. Ever since I started elementary school, I struggled through all school subjects because I didn't speak English since my first language was Spanish. My parents helped me through these struggles the best they can. As I saw them struggling, something triggered inside of me that made me work harder to ease the stress my parents had in helping me. They always support my decisions and encourage …show more content…

I was determined to be the first one to gain knowledge with computers since my family didn't know how to operate one. My curiosity made me dig deeper inside computer files and started to question how everything worked. After getting more practice with the computer, I quickly started to gain the basic skills and my parents advised me to try to go for a technical career. In fact, this will help the whole family since technology can get easily damaged if you don't know what you're doing. I thought about it, I knew I liked technology, but I wasn't sure if to go for it. The next thing you know I was already making big plans on what to do with this technology and was figuring out what university would help me gain the technical knowledge to innovate the world. My passion for technology took time, but my parents helped me open the door to see technology in a whole new level. As I see my little nephew learning new things such as his ABC's and numbers, it motivates me to keep on acquiring new data and go to college; I want to set an example for him to make him realize that despite of your family lacking education, you can still gain knowledge by working hard and going to

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