Falling in Love in Twilight

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Everyone dreams of falling in love one day. They dream of that perfect soul mate who was put on this earth to love no one but them. To share a love with such intensity that the mere absence from each other can stop the air from penetrating their lungs. A man who will not only die for her but die with her as well. To share a love completely absent of doubt. A love that one only reads about. That special, once in a lifetime love that others have not only told her was non-existent, but no other has ever experienced. It's a love that voids all pain and validates the very reason that either of them were born. A love that could never be broken: one that could never be lost. Twilight brings a sense of realization to your dreams.

Twilight has every girl embedded in her own romance novel. Girls envision themselves as Bella and guys take the mindset role of the mysterious Edward. Fantasy’s are parallel with true love, all things can be overcome. Twilight modified what is generically a fantasy into a modern day possibility. It awakens hope to those of us who have given up. Twilight is some sense has rekindled a generation that had stopped believing in the good things in life.

Todays society is overcome with turmoil, divorce, abuse, addiction and neglect, Twilight was just the medicine needed to bring some sparkle back. Not only for young girls; but for all ages. Family values are a welcomed sight in todays cold, hard society.

Stephenie Meyer probably never fathomed the worldliness of her creation. The effect it would have on the world. No one probably did. The impact amazed even me. An entire generation was brought to life, in a world so overcome with evil.

Imagine if vampires, a creation deemed for evil doing, could surpass and become malleable to living lives with extremely high morals, what is that saying about the humans of today? The Cullen's love and ability to be so warm-hearted and giving shows us how much strength we possess inside ourselves.

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