FFA Personal Statement

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I have always had a passion for animals. As a young child, I was convinced I constantly needed new animals, but we never had the space to care for them. In an effort to fill my desire to be involved with animals, my mom decided to sign me up for English horseback riding lessons. Although I never really believed I would enjoy English riding, I went to the horse barn about two times a week to practice. Over time, I learned to enjoy the sport and I created a bond with the horse I rode; he became my best friend. We went to competitions almost every single weekend and I won multiple awards. When my parents separated I had to stop competing. I was devastated to leave the behind the horse I had grown to love, however, I knew that this would not be the end of my future with animals. Before I started high school, I had no idea what …show more content…

These events have lead me to become more confident when speaking. With this ability, I have become better able to pursue my dreams. For example, after the first year I participated in the leadership development competition, I decided to run for a position as an FFA officer. I now hold the vice president position for the Rockwall FFA chapter. While I participated in these events last year, our chapter won district sweepstakes and I have been further motivated to continue my involvement in FFA. Involvement in FFA is a very important aspect of my life. My love for animals has only grown as I have undertaken the task of raising, caring for, and showing my animals while the leadership and career development competitions have provided me with valuable life lessons. FFA defines the exact person I am. Without this interest, I would have never learned that I would like to pursue a job in the animal field. I now possess skills that will help with my future and am grateful for the opportunities FFA has given

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