Explores the Character of Lady Macbeth

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Lady Macbeth's character is first formed in Act I scene v, the scene opens with her reading a letter from her husband, its content is full of thoughts and tellings of the meeting with the witches earlier that day. Lady Macbeth begins by talking about how her husband now has a goal and addresses his personality. Understandably she would like this prophecy to transpire and there is no question that she would be willing to help him gain the title of king. Lady Macbeth comes to the conclusion that to become king Macbeth must kill Duncan. Within the first two paragraphs of this scene (lines 13 - 28) Lady Macbeths undertones are of a willingness to use the atributes of her personality to help this title become within reach of Macbeth. Shakespear uses soliquy here to enphasise Lady Macbeths intent for Duncans death this also shows the reader that this is of great importance to her. Lady Macbeth states Macbeths present titles ie glamis and cawdor then says that he will get what is promised to him by the witches <13-14> but she is afraid of the qualities of Macbeths character...

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