Exploratory Essay

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One might ponder what the exact meaning of history is, our past defines of who we are today. There is still some spaces in our history that we have yet to cover it is the historians job to tell us about our world, they sometimes give us the raw material of what world is like or use secondary sources to fill in blanks of the parts primary sources can’t provide. We can’t predict what the truth in history is unless there is a verifiable evidence.
History is the past it shows how people behaved, the economic standings, religious dominations, and politics. When students are given the word history, they think of textbooks with dates, timelines, and people to study about. Historians produce the knowledge of our past, and uncover what we don’t about ourselves. Remember how people believed the world was going to end in 2012, this was actually predicted by the Mayan’s who created the Mesoamerica’s most advanced writing and calendar system. American history is about how it all began from a mistake by a man named Christopher Columbus who was in search for Asia but accidently landed upon America. There was bumps along the way to prosper the New world and new things to try. It was a place of possibilities where new people from around the world will come to seek refuge for them to start a new life. …show more content…

We can say that the historians are the storytellers that tell us what happened years ago while archeologist provide the evidence to make the story true. A historians job is to use concreate evidence to tell us how the past was made. Primary sources are original that is first hand made and not interpreted, for instance the craftsmen from the West African kingdom was renowned for remarkable bronze sculptures. You can see this sculpture in Smithsonian

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