The Reflection Of Historiography: The Philosophy Of History

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We 've all studied history at one point in our lives, wether it was in school or simply looking something up on the internet. Most people have had to memorize dates and flags and various historical figures. This is done almost automatically, most people assume history is reading about old dead men from a textbook. Never the less what is history really? What role does it play besides telling us what happened 100 years ago. History is, as I have learned, much more complex than I originally thought. When I chose history as a minor in college, I had a goal of learning everything I possibly could. Much to my surprise history became a subject that was filled with complex interpretations, theories and consequences. History became a way to learn …show more content…

I have a better understanding of the importance of historiography and what it really is. Seeing all these theories have showed me that historiography is just that, the history of how history has been approached over time. Historiographical essay help us see how methodologies have changed over time. For example there might be a dominiant historiography for a subject, however historians can agree with previous as well as adding their own theories as well. And looking at historigraphy’s meaning has allowed me to look back at much of the history I have been learning. Look back and realize and see what some of the most common methods and perspectives. To see that much of my history has been focsed on upper classes, dominant races. However I have seen how methodologies vary and …show more content…

I have been able to understand how history and methods of acquiring knowledge change over time. Not just this but I have been able to chose theories that I believe are better and that provide what history needs. Ultimatley I believe that that is persepctive. I believe when we start to view history from all perspectives we will have a better understding of the complexity of human nature and of society as a whole.Basically as a minorty woman I want to see my history not as a side bar in a history book but included I the overall chapters. And I belive New history can provide just that. That is what really belive history is in the end, providing answers and interpretations of the past using all persepctives. I believe we need to strive for understanding how history intersects over time. A writer named Jorge luis Borges put it best. “passing yet remaining, a mirror to the same inconstant Heraclitus, who is the same and yet another, like the river flowing.” This is a quote I think that relates well to history. History is constantly moving and changing but in some ways it is the same. And every so oten we look back and see many constants and repetitions. It is up to historians, wether professional or at college level like myself to keep studying and analyzing history. No matter how much history has changed, be it theory or methods it is still important to study

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