Explain Why Dodgeball Should Not Be Banned In Schools

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Dodgeball is a game of many facets. On one hand, it is a game that encourages everyone to stand up for themselves since everyone is on their own team, while on the other hand, it is a game where you aggressively pummel others with balls and pick on the weak. As a result of the varying possible viewpoints of opinion, some schools ban it, and others do not. The logic of some schools is that it labels others as human targets. On the contrary, it can encourage people to figure out who is weak and strong and how they could deal with these personalities. Although a solid case could be made for each side, dodgeball should not be banned in physical education classes due to the benefit of being able to let out aggression and the need to learn the ways of healthy competition. …show more content…

People accumulate different feelings throughout the average day, yet there are usually no ways to adequately and legally let out those pent up frustrations. Dodgeball, luckily provides a solution. The author of an article named “The Weak Shall Inherit the Gym”, Rick Reilly, believes that “Dodgeball is one of the few times in life when you get to let out your aggressions, no questions asked (Reilly 2)”. In other words, this game is a unique and rare way to let out your daily emotions with a simple activity of throwing a ball at others. The effect of this game is only positive. You can throw balls at other people, relieve yourself of stress, and not injure them since the ball is made of a very soft material. There are in fact, much worse ways to release stress. One example is a school shooting. People who hold the opinion of banning dodgeball in order to keep everything safe and fair are being hypocrites since the frustrations which cannot be let out anymore can still be let out in ways that are significantly more detrimental to the school and it’s

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