Explain The Sequence Of Child Development

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The sequence of any development has a starting point. As one goal is achieved so begins the start of a new one based on previous achievements. All children will follow a similar path of development and will usually reach certain goals before moving on to the next period of development. This doesn't mean children will all learn to do the same thing before moving on to the next, for example, one baby may learn to crawl whilst another may not crawl at all and go from rolling to cruising around furniture. All children will develop these skills at different rates which means that even though children will develop in a sequence, they will not develop in the same time frame. This difference is important as all children are different, both mentally and physically. Some children may excel physically yet be emotionally immature. …show more content…

There are certain achievements that children would be expected to have reached by certain ages unless there are reasons that would prevent this and some children will achieve them earlier than others but they will follow the same basic sequence of development. One of the most important reasons to look at the rate of a child’s development is if a milestone is not reached by a certain age, there may be a underlying reason either physically or cognitively that is stopping that child from following an expected pattern of development. Early intervention in developmental delays is very important as this may give children experiencing delays the best chance of achieving future

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