Childhood Theories In Childhood

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Many people have different beliefs about how a child develops. Some people believe that children are born to be able to do the things they do however others could argue that children develop different due to the different opportunities they are given. Sigmund Freud Freud believed that the mind was made up of three individual things (The ID, the ego and the superego) everyday these parts would develop and will form that individual’s personality, these parts would learn of the individual’s childhood events and experiences. Erik Erikson Erikson was a strong believer that what Freud was saying was correct and believed that there were in fact 8 stages that an average individual passes throughout their lives. John Bowlby Bowlby alleged that the reason behind children having good relationships with those around them and having good sociable skills was the child’s …show more content…

She believes that children will develop differently from one another because of the places they have explored and the environments the have adventured. For example, When I child is at a young age, if they child always red grapes they wouldn’t know that you could get other types of grapes that were different colour but as adult you make you on life choices and expand on your knowledge and experiences. Albert Bandura Albert believes that children learn from what goes on around the and are not taught. He states that children will observe what adults or other children are doing and will begin to copy them they will learn through example. Lev Vygotsky Vygotsky believed that children developed by what belief and culture they brought up in. He strongly believed that children would learn more from hand on experience and that children would develop better with people around them so they were continuously socialising and communicating. B. F.

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