Exercise's Role In Weight Management Essay

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Exercise's Role in Weight Management Goals There are many different parts that make up weight management. Some of the factors involved include dieting, exercise, consistency and an overall change of lifestyle. There are those people who mistakenly believe that they will reach the weight of their dreams simply by eating less. In some ways this might happen, but there are far better ways to reach the weight of your dreams. The best way to shed pounds and get to the weight you want is through exercise. If you opt to just diet, it will take you far longer to lose the weight that you want and it will be a lot harder to get there. Those who just diet, actually have to consume a lot less food that if they chose to exercise as well as to diet. …show more content…

To exercise does not mean that you have to strain yourself greatly and do impossible tasks for endless hours each and every day. However, you should commit yourself to exercising at least half of an hour each day that can be divided up when you have the time. This means that no matter how busy your life may be, you can still fit in some physical activity each day as needed. When you set weight goals, you will find that they are much easier to reach when you use exercise as well. If you choose to exercise in a group, you may find that you have even more motivation to keep going towards your goals. Exercise is also a great way to elevate some hormones in your body that aid you in feeling happy which in turn can aid you in sticking with your diet. Exercise also offers you more energy, which also helps you keep on track. You may not notice this additional energy right away, however as time goes on, you will defiantly be aware that you have more spunk and stamina. No matter where you are in your diet or lifestyle, start implementing exercise right away. Create a plan and see your health get better and watch your weight drop. Chances are good that if you talk to other people who have lost vast amounts of weight, they will tell you that exercise made a world of

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