Examples Of Shared Humanity In The Book Thief

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When put into situations that test the humanity of people, what characteristics still show through? Shared humanity is a term used to explain what all humans have in common, and has six major categories: Loss, Morality, Survival, Relationships, Choices, and Emotions. The characteristics that seem to come out naturally, even in strange circumstances, are often things shared with all other humans. Major works, such as The Book Thief, How I Live Now, and Harry Potter Order of the Phoenix often show many examples of Shared Humanity and its effect on our lives. The Book Thief, by Markus Zusak shows examples of Loss, and Morality many times throughout the story. As this novel is narrated by Death, Loss is shown early on, when Liesel is on a train to her foster parents home. Her brother, Werner, dies of unknown causes before they can arrive at Hans and Rosa Huberman’s home, which has a major effect on Liesel and therefore the entirety of the story. The girl, however, stayed. Her knees entered the ground. Her moment had arrived. Still in disbelief, she started to dig. He couldn't be dead. He couldn't be dead. He couldn't-” (Zusak 23). The loss of her brother has a major effect on Liesel. She wants to believe he is still alive so much that she was willing to dig him back up to save him. Losing her obnly friend in a now place not only leaves her alone in this town, but leaves her without any present family members. …show more content…

Shared Humanity is how we explain what makes us human through these key categories and concepts. The Book Thief mainly focuses on Loss and Morality, How I Live Now looks at Relationships and Survival more. Harry Potter Order of the Phoenix shows examples of Choices and Emotions. Looking around at everyday life with these concepts in mind can help one see how similar we all really are past physical and social

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