Examples Of Secrecy In Romeo And Juliet

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Secrecy Throughout Romeo and Juliet Romeo and Juliet, published in 1597, is known as one of the greatest tragedies is history. A young girl, Juliet, has fallen in love with Romeo; however they cannot be together because their families hate each other. This causes them to keep their romance and marriage a secret. However this leads to many consequences and in the end death. In the play Romeo and Juliet by William Shakespeare the secrecy helps develop the theme that keeping secrets will never end well.
One of the main themes of Romeo and Juliet is keeping secrets never ends well. In the play, Romeo and Juliet keep their love and marriage a secret because of the family feud going on. This does not end well because both of them kill themselves(5. …show more content…

Because of secrets being kept, hearts were broken and people died. Paris was killed because Romeo could not tell him the real reason he was in the tomb (5.3), showing that keeping a secret may not have good results. Moreover, Romeo’s hesitance to confess his plan to Paris highlights the main theme throughout the play by showcasing the extreme consequences of such actions. Likewise, the Nurse’s inclination to keep her beloved Juliet’s secret supports the idea that there are tragic outcomes of secrecy. While speaking with Juliet, she says, “I think it best you married with the county,” (3.5). The disagreement causes Juliet losing her trust in the Nurse. The indicated exemplifies how an action such as keeping a secret can have a negative consequence.
In the play Romeo and Juliet by William Shakespeare the secrecy helps develop the theme that keeping secrets will never end well. Throughout the play, Shakespeare exhibits many situations where secrecy is greatly needed. All of those examples affect the plot extensively. With this being said, the secrets help build the idea that the act of keeping a secret can have a negative consequence. Romeo and Juliet is one of the most renowned pieces of literature, and it could not have been so if there was not the element of

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