Example Of Gum Research Paper

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It is believed that gum is an effective booster of mental performance (wired.com). It is also said that gum helps you concentrate better (gleegum.com). This project is about gum chewing and how well it helps you concentrate. Before experimenting, it is believed that gum does help people focus better. Gum facts include gum reduces tears while cutting onions, the reason the gum color pink stuck is because that is the only color the creator had, the biggest bubble blown with gum was 23 inches in diameter, Singapore has tried to forbid gum, and Turkey has the most gum companies (gleegum.com). The world’s oldest piece of gum is 9,000 years old, the average person chews 300 gum sticks a year, and gum used to be made by hand (chewinggumfacts.com).

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