Evolution Of Islam Research Paper

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Tristan Groth
English B4
17 September 2015
Islams: The before and after Have you ever seen or been someone that heard of a terrorist attack and automatically assumed that it was the Islamic Nation? Islamic persecution has been happening for a long time, even before the tragic events that happened on September 11, 2001. The Islams have recently been blamed for many of the current terrorist attacks. Isis is an Islamic organization that has been committing many terroristic activities, which leads for many people to believe that all Muslims are terrorists. The Islamic Nation is being mistreated from the events that happened on The World Trade Center's, affiliation with Osama Bin Laden and Isis, as well as common terrorist attacks. …show more content…

Those statistics have not gone away by any means, even in 2015. The latest data indicates that Muslims are still being targeted, with over 100 hate crimes directed against Muslims every year. Keep in mind that hate crimes are generally under-reported or incorrectly classified by police, so those numbers are most likely higher in reality.
“While Christians are no doubt suffering persecution all over the world at the hands of totalitarian regimes and Muslim extremist groups, Christians in America don't even warrant mention on theVoice of the Martyrs prayer map or the Open Doors World Watch list. In fact, American Christians are far more likely to deny the rights of Muslims, such as opposing the construction of a mosque, than to be persecuted in a similar manner by their own government.”(Ed Cyzewski)
The events that happened on September 11th, was the most fatal on US land since the British Empire burned Washington D.C. The events that took place were by a terrorist group that was in Al-Qaeda. The leader of Al-Qaeda was none other that Osama Bin Laden. Al-Qaeda had not been a threat to the United State since they had been formed since 1980. Osama Bin Laden believed that any threat to the Islamic Nation should be taken out and especially the United States of …show more content…

A Boeing 757 took off from Dulles International Airport in Herndon, Virginia. That plane was then hijacked and then crashed into the Pentagon building in Washington D.C., which is the Nation’s Department of Defense. Then a fourth plane, a Boeing 757 took off from Newark, New Jersey and was going to San Francisco. The plane was hijacked and was the redirected towards Washington D.C. The terrorist hijackers planned on crashing the plane into The White House or the Capitol, but were soon brought down in a field in Pennsylvania. The people on board had heard of the other attacks and knew that plane was headed for our Capitol, and they decided to overpower the hijackers and bring the plane down. The terrorist attacks left an approximated 3000 dead, and a few hundred still missing at the end of

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