Evaluation of a Childs Toy in Relation to the Theories of Play

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This essay will evaluate how a child’s toy can specifically help them develop with relation to specific theories. The theories of play that will be referred to are Jean Piaget’s, Lev Vygotsky’s and George Herbert Mead’s theories. The Toy that will be assessed is; PlushPups, family bigmouth hand puppets. The puppet set has a suggested age range of three and over. This is a conventional puppet set which contains 6 characters; mum, dad, daughter, son and grandparents. An advantage of this toy is that there are no specific ways to play with it; it can be used in any way the child wants to play. Traditionally the puppets would be used by children to act out scenarios, particularly family scenarios. The puppets also allow children to imagine their own scenarios and contexts in which to use the toy. The intention behind the toy is to help the child learn and develop. This can be facilitated by certain play with the puppets which could include acting out stories, exploring different role play opportunities and scenarios. One individual characteristic of this toy is that direct feedback can be given by adults; to reinforce any deemed socially correct behaviours. This toy would suitable for children aged between four and eleven because it is flexible in its uses. It can help on a basic level of increasing a child’s motor skills, to helping children understand complex social situations. Puppets can be used individually or as a collective depending on a child’s age and development. Piaget proposed that play and imitation where important for a child’s development. Part of this idea was the notion that children play for their own enjoyment. However when they imitate, they do so to understand the world around them. Piaget’s theory of play... ... middle of paper ... ...at social environment. Children again can develop this notion, through play and imitation. (Faulkner, 1995) Having looked at all three theories, how a child may develop through play within those theories and what type of play may be expected at certain levels of development, some basic differences have arisen between the theories. Although Meads theory like Piaget’s is set in three stages Meads theory has more in common with Vygotsky. Mead and Vygotsky suggest that children develop through play, whereas Piaget used the type of play a child displays as a measure of their development, suggesting play does not lead to development. And although there are similarities between Mead and Vygotsky, one major difference is that unlike Mead, Vygotsky does not theorise that there are stages of play, he believed there is one continually expanding zone of development.

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