Allison Bechdel Case Study

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Effects from the Past Every person that lives to be an adult comes to a point in their lives where they have to decide their own values. Many things are taken into consideration when making these choices. One’s family principles must be analyzed to determine if they should be continued, and past experiences also have a sizable effect. Despite the recent toleration movement, the values one chooses will be judged harshly sometimes (Allison, 590). Alison Bechdel, her father, and Dorothy Allison all had some difficulties in their lives and in deciding their standards, but they came out strong and determined in the end (Bechdel, 253+). Bechdel’s father was deemed as odd by many onlookers. His hobby of restoring old and damaged items was strange …show more content…

Bechdel’s father was perverted, and her family felt the effects of his habits (567-574). Allison’s mother was only fifteen years old when she gave birth to her daughter. Dorothy’s step-father was abusive and affected her life very much (588). These are things that change a person whether or not they choose to acknowledge that fact. Abuse causes lifelong emotional and cognitive changes in children. Allison’s mistreatment as a child may be part of why she’s so conscious of what others think of her (Goldman). Close father-daughter relationships more likely lead to intimate and fulfilling relationships with other men. Allison did not have a good connection with her father or step-father, and she does not have comfortable and satisfying relationships with other men either (Nielsen). Allison’s difficulties connecting in society and emotionally with people may also be connected with being born to an unmarried mother (“Births to Unmarried …show more content…

My grandpa left the Church when I was eight-years-old. Church is central to most of my extended family, and his leaving really ruined our relationship. He then divorced my grandma several years ago and further separated us. I barely ever see him now, and it’s awkward when I do. He is dating and living with another woman, and it seems like he’s replacing all of the people he lost. Thinking about him always makes me sad now, and I miss being able to do things with him. We used to spend lots of time together when I was younger, but now those memories are fading and I am unable to fill their gaps with new memories. His actions have taken away the close bond we had as grandfather and granddaughter. With the passage of time, I have gotten used to him not being in my life as much as he should, but I still cannot get over all that he’s done to my family. He seems to be the root of all my emotional struggles, and I easily blame things on him. In spite of that, I can see how I have been changed for the better. Knowing how his actions have made me feel, I have vowed to never do what he has done to me. I know how unwanted he makes me feel sometimes, and I never want to make others feel that way. It is a horrible feeling, and I’d hate to be the cause of it. He has also taught me about the importance of choosing a spouse who I am compatible with and can communicate well with. I am more cautious in my relationships

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