Examples Of Ethos Pathos And Logos

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There are three ways that people used to try and persuade their audiences. The three ways were identified by Greek philosopher Aristotle, and they are known as ethos, logos, and pathos. They are three examples of rhetorical arguments. Ethos refers to how we view the speaker’s character. This means that if you believe that the character has good knowledge of the subject and good intentions along with good character, you are prone to believe what he is telling you. Logos uses inductive and deductive reasoning along with rationality to persuade the audience. Most speakers aren’t going to use logos alone to persuade the general audience. Pathos persuades the audience by playing with their emotions. The speaker will try to make you feel emotions such as anger, fear, hunger, sadness, pity, and happiness to influence your judgement. …show more content…

In the commercial, they take you through a girl’s life, growing up with her dog by her side. She had birthdays with the dog, breakups with the dog, even learned to drive with the dog in the car. By showing you the love and loyalty of the dog, they are comparing the car to the dog, saying that both can act as “life’s best friend.” The car is never really introduced, but they do show the entire car along with the chevy symbol in the last three seconds. You did, however. catch a few glimpses of the car in a few scenes of the commercial. If you weren’t shown the chevy symbol at the end of the commercial you would think that they were trying to sell you a golden retriever. The commercial was not effective in interesting me in the car because my focus was on the girl and the dog, nowhere near the car. It’s actually a very memorable commercial, only not in the sense of the car. The commercial does not reach the goal of making you want to buy the

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