Essay: Why Office Workers Must Do Yoga?

1016 Words3 Pages

Why office workers must do yoga?
Desk or office workers often come up complaining about almost negligible physical activity during their 8-hour job. And the irony is that those with a standing job complain about not getting time to sit for a while and take rest. But, the truth is that desk job actually causes people to go through some serious health issues.
Office work demands a person to continuously sit indoors for eight or nine long hours every day. While you understand what sitting means, do you understand what the eight-hour sitting “actually” means? It means absence of any kind of movement in the body along with instigation of a bad posture while you keep sitting. Bad posture indicates bad health i.e. a host of physical health problems.
And this is just not it; it could take a greater toll on your health than you could imagine.
You must have always …show more content…

It reduces stress –
Stress, be it emotional or mental, is a common issue with employees which adversely impacts their health as well as performance. Severe stress may result in varied physical conditions such as allergies, headaches, heart ailment, isolation etc. Yoga is one of those strategies that naturally help you calm down and relax your mind. Just 20-minute yoga can help you sleep well at night and reduce stress.
3. It prevents malingering –
Yoga helps you keep fit and healthy, which lets you make healthy lifestyle choices. You choose healthier foods over junk food and naturally improvise your energy levels while enhancing your focus. Your mood gets better, and all this together helps you avert malingering. You stay active all the time.
4. It helps cut employees’ healthcare costs –
As mentioned afore, yoga helps one and all maintain good health while preventing the instigation of many mild or critical ailments. Healthy employees mean lesser number of sick leaves and reduced level of absenteeism, which further indicates reduced healthcare costs of employees.
5. It creates an optimistic environment

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