Fatigue Essay

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Do you constantly feel tired, weary and exhausted? Do you suffer from a lack of energy making it hard to accomplish your daily tasks? For those who suffer from fatigue, yoga can bring some much needed relief.

What Causes Fatigue?

Fatigue can occur in people of any age, and has a number of underlying causes. It can be caused by both habits and medical problems. Some causes of fatigue are aspects of our lives that we have more control over. For example, what you eat can be causing your symptoms. You may be tempted to reach for caffeine and sugar for a quick energy boost, but these will also cause your blood sugar to spike, which will lead to a heavy crash. This will begin a vicious cycle where you keep using the same foods for energy that are causing your fatigue.

Lack of sleep is also a major cause of fatigue. Our lives are so busy today that many of us don’t get enough rest. A lack of sleep is a major cause of fatigue. Avoiding caffeine and alcohol in the hours before bed is one easy way to get a better nights rest.

There are also many underlying medical issues that can cause fatigue. Anemia is a very common cause of fatigue, especially among women who have heavy menstrual periods. Nutritional deficiencies, such as a lack of potassium, can be another cause of fatigue. Diabetes and thyroid issues are two other medical problems that will leave you exhausted and dragging. Most of these underlying medical conditions can be diagnosed with a simple blood test.

Undiagnosed heart disease can also be a major cause of fatigue for women, so if you can no longer do the type of exercise that you used to, or your fatigue gets worse with physical exertion, make sure that you get to a doctor.

If your feelings of exhaustion are accompanied ...

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...f. This in turn will revitalize you and alleviate your symptoms of fatigue.

The series of poses that are a part of restorative yoga are beneficial to the whole body. There are a couple of the poses that are specifically helpful for those suffering from fatigue, so make sure to focus on these when you practice.

Child’s Pose is one of the poses that is calming and restorative, and induces mental, physical and emotional relief.

Reclined Twist is a relaxing way to let toxins and tension out of your body.

Shavasana is known to rejuvenate the body as well as the mind. This pose will give you a chance to regroup, and will allow your body to reset.

Many times the simplest cures are the best, so try doing yoga 3-4 times a week for four weeks to see if your energy levels improve. Remember to focus on getting enough sleep, eating right, and consistently moving your body.

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