Essay On Vera Wang

891 Words2 Pages

Vera Wang: A Bride’s Key to Beauty
Vera Wang is a highly lucrative, exclusive innovator. She is considerably one of the most prominent designers in America today. She came into being on June 27, 1949 in Ney York city. Her impacts on the fashion industry, with her haute couture wedding gowns and designer clothing, have been immensely influential. These outstanding impacts have awarded her with the Council of Fashion Designers America’s Women’s Wear Designer of the Year and the Andre Leon Talley Lifetime Achievement Award, just to name a few.

Vera was born in the United States, but she is of Chinese descent. Vera Wang’s parents, Florence Wu and Cheng Ching Wang, were born in Shanghai, China but moved to New York in the mid 1940’s, where they raised young Vera. Although she was born into a multi-million dollar family, her parents ensured that young Vera and her brother would learn to set obtainable goals for their lifestyle, academically and athletically. Vera’s mother taught her daughter much about style and they often attended many fashion shows in Paris. She attended the elite Chapin School, from which she graduated in 1967. She later went on to attend Sarah Lawrence College where she completed her degree in the field of art history. Wang was a talented figure skater, and received many rewards in competition. However, upon her graduation from college in 1971, she “hung up her skates” because she couldn’t balance academics and athletics. Using all of the “fashion sense” she received from her mother, she shifted interest to fashion and began working for Vogue magazine. Only having been working there for a year, Wang was promoted to senior fashion editor. Fifteen years later, she left to work under Ralph Lauren, assisting him ...

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... industry. Being a female, she is a good role model for young girls my age. The many outstanding achievements that she has made inspire me to accomplish their long term goals. In my opinion, I do possess similar qualities as Wang. Just as she was so determined to seek out the bridal dress most suitable for her wedding, I have a certain self motivation to achieve the very things I aspire. Also, I believe that I am very creative innovator whether the situation requires finding a solution to a problem or creating a project design similarly to Wang herself.
In the future, I would most definitely like to become an entrepreneur. I believe that I possess the necessary qualities that define me as a good leader. Because I am highly creative and I enjoy creating marvelous designs, I believe that I would be successful in the marketing, architectural, or engineering industry.

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