Essay On Urinary System

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The urinary system is a multi-organ system which consists of the kidneys, ureters, urinary bladder, and urethra. Although each specific organ has its own particular function, for the urinary system to work efficiently the organs need to work in synergy.

The main function of the urinary system is to remove waste via excretion particularly toxic substances such as ammonia.

Ammonia is a by-product from amino acids that are converted by the liver. Urea and uric acid are extracted from the blood by the kidneys to be expelled as urine. This and other processes make the kidneys the Primary organs of the urinary system. The Kidneys are red-brown in colour and bean shaped in appearance, each one has a concave side that is known as the renal hilus …show more content…

If the infection is mild patients can go without treatment however if symptoms are more severe short course of antibiotics may be needed to prevent further infection
Some such as pyelonephritis that cases scarring can lead to chronic kidney disease

Kidney disease can be classed as mild moderate or severe
When the kidneys are not working efficiently excess waste products can amass and cause damage to the kidneys if this occurs for a prolonged period then this is classed as chronic kidney disease various issues can lead to this such as diabetes elevated blood pressure immune and viral illnesses such as lupus and HIV various drugs which are toxic can build up over time build up and can also permanently cause harm to the functioning of the kidney
Early stages of kidney disease may not cause any symptoms these usually only arise in the later stages of the disease, and then they are
Vomiting or nausea
Frequent urination or sometimes decreased output
Oedema of ankles and

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