Cystitis Essay

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Cystitis is the medical term for inflammation of the urinary bladder. Most of the time, the inflammation is caused by a bacterial infection, and it’s called a urinary tract infection. A bladder infection can be painful and annoying, and it can become a serious health problem if the infection spreads to your kidney.
Cystitis is a common female problem. Its is estimated that 50% of adult women experience at least one episode of dysuria; half of these people have a bacterial UTI.

Cystitis signs and symptoms often include:
A strong, persistent urge to urinate.
A burning sensation when urinating.
Passing frequent, small amounts of urine.
Blood in the urine.
Passing cloudy or strong-smell urine.
Discomfort in the pelvic area. …show more content…

All play a role in removing waste from your body. Your kidneys filter waste from your blood and regulate the concentrations of many substances. Tubes called ureters carry urine from your kidneys to the bladder, where it’s store until it exits your body through the urethra. CAUSES (CONTINUED)
Bacterial bladder infections may occur in women as a result of sexual intercourse. But even sexually inactive girls and women are susceptible to lower urinary tracts infections because the female genital area often harbors bacteria that can cause cystitis.

Main types of infections:
Community-acquired bladder infections. These infections occur when people who aren’t in a medical care facility develop a bladder infection.
Hospital-acquired bladder infections. These infections, occur in people in a medical care facility, such as a hospital or nursing home. Most often they happen in those who have had a urinary catheter placed through the urethra and into the bladder to collect urine, a common practice before surgical procedures, for some diagnostic test, or as a means of urinary drainage for older adults or people confined to bed.
Noninfectious …show more content…

Which drugs are used and for how depend on your overall health and the bacteria find in the urine.
Cystitis cause by bacterial infection is generally treated with antibiotics. Treatment for noninfectious cystitis depends on the underlying cause.
First-time infection. Symptoms often improve significantly within a day or so of antibiotic treatment. However, you’ll likely need to take antibiotics for three days to a week, depending on the severity of the infections.
When cystitis is suspected, the doctor first examines the person abdomen and lower back, to evaluate unusual enlargements of the kidneys or swelling of the bladder. Tests doctor may order:
Urine analysis. It’s to determine whether bacteria, blood or pus is in the urine.
Cystoscopy. Use to remove a small sample of tissue (biopsy) for analysis in the lab. This test most likely won’t be needed if this is the first time patient had signs or symptoms of cystitis.
Imaging tests. Imaging tests usually aren’t necessary, but in some instances, especially when no evidence of infection is found, They may be helpful. For example, an X-ray or ultrasound may help out other potential causes inflammation, such as a tumor or structure

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