Essay On Twin Towers

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Imagine walking through the streets of New York City, looking up at the sky only to see an ashy, grey atmosphere. No sun, no clouds, no blue sky; just the emptiness of what used to be. The famous Twin Towers are gone. America is changed in the blink of an eye.
The United States of America was attacked by Al-Qaeda on Tuesday, September 11th, 2001. The Islamic extremist group flew planes into the World Trade Center, New York City and the Pentagon, Washington D.C. Early that morning at 8:45am, a plane hit one of the Twin Towers. Hundreds of people were killed instantly and hundreds more on the higher levels were trapped. People who witnessed the attack didn’t know what to expect next. There was no way of knowing if the plane crash was an accident or if it was planned. No one had the answers to the impossible questions that were being asked. Eighteen minutes later, the people had their answer; a second plane crashed into the other Twin Tower, causing “a massive explosion that showered burning debris over surrounding buildings and the streets below” (9/11 Attacks). The south side tower ...

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